الصوره الاصليه(1,024 × 798 بكسل حجم الفايل: 730 كيلوبايت، نوع MIME: image/jpeg)
الملف دا من ويكيميديا كومنز و ممكن تستعمله المشاريع التانيه.
الوصف بتاعه صفحة وصف الملف هناك معروض تحت..
وصفGrandma Ducks car Detroit Electric 1916 (4356208020).jpg
1916 Detroit Electric in Brussels Autoworld Museum.
Showroom sign: "The special feature of this car is that both the bonnet and boot spaces were used to carry batteries used to propel the car. The 'Brougham' body was typical of American electric cars, which were appreciated in city use for being clean and quiet, and were highly valued for social events such as parties, galas, theatre visits, etc."
Has the car industry really learned anything since then?
نسبه ل – لازم يتنسب العمل للى مألفه بشكل مناسب و توفير رابط للرخصه وتحديد اذا حصلت تغييرات. ممكن ده يتعمل بأى طريقه معقوله، لكن مش بطريقه تشير ان مانح الرخصه بيوافقك على الاستعمال.
مشاركه زي – إذا قمت بإعادة مزج المادة أو تحويلها أو البناء عليها، فيجب عليك توزيعها
{{Information |Description=1916 Detroit Electric in Brussels Autoworld Museum. Showroom sign: "The special feature of this car is that both the bonnet and boot spaces were used to carry batteries used to propel the car. The 'Brougham' body was typic
الملف ده فيه معلومات إضافيه، غالبا ما تكون أضيفت من الديجيتال كاميرا أو السكانر ح الضوئى المستخدم فى نقل الملف للكومبيوتر.
إذا كان الملف اتعدل عن حالته الأصلية، فبعض التفاصيل مش ها تعبر عن الملف المعدل.
عنوان الصورة
1916 Detroit Electric in Brussels Autoworld Museum.
Showroom sign: "The special feature of this car is that both the bonnet and boot spaces were used to carry batteries used to propel the car. The 'Brougham' body was typical of American electric cars, which were appreciated in city use for being clean and quiet, and were highly valued for social events such as parties, galas, theatr evisits, etc."
Has the car industry really learned anything since then?